These endpoints are related to the current contents of a wallet.
Last updated
These endpoints are related to the current contents of a wallet.
Last updated
Access can be purchased through our API Dashboard website. See the Purchasing page for more info.
Access to the API requires a valid API key which can be generated after purchasing a plan on our website
The information provided is as of last confirmed slot when not stale.
Gets portfolio positions for a specified wallet, including summary with total values and staleness statuses
Wallet address to fetch data for
Max wait time in seconds. The response will wait for all fetchers to complete, or till the max wait time is reached before returning data. Default is 0.
Stale time in seconds. Amount of time data is considered fresh after being fetched. Once time has elapsed, data will be marked as stale. Default is 60 seconds. Minimum allowed value is 15 seconds.
Show balances worth less than $0.99 USD equivalent in the response. Default is true
Show compressed NFTs in the response. Doesn't affect nft module credit cost. Option is provided for spam reduction. Default is true
All modules included by default. If specified, only the provided modules will be returned and charged credits for. Full list with credit costs here.
All modules included by default. If specified, provided modules will be excluded and only included modules will be charged credits for. Full list with credit costs here
API key for the request
Invalidates the cache for a specified wallet. Next GET call will still return cached data if available, but everything will be marked as stale regardless of the data age.
Wallet address to invalidate cache for
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