Getting Started
Making your first API request
Step Finance provides a REST API for accessing portfolio data on the Solana blockchain. Access to the API requires a valid API key which can be generated after purchasing a plan on our website. For more info on plans see Purchasing.
Example Request with API Key
Filtering Data by Module
User portfolio data is grouped into one of several modules. some of which have subgroups. A single module or subgroup will contain positions fetched from a number DeFi providers. For more details on various modules and credit costs see Credit Usage.
Desired modules can be selected using the modules and/or excludeModules query params.
Example: Fetching Specific Modules
Understanding How Data Fetching Works
To get the most out of our API, it’s helpful to understand how data is retrieved and cached.
Data Retrieval and Caching
When a request is made to the Portfolio API, it immediately returns any cached data available for the requested wallet.
The very first time a wallet is fetched, the response will contain empty positions, and the overall status will be marked as
.Each integration (e.g., Raydium Staking) tracks its own staleness, ensuring freshness is managed individually.
Retrieved data is cached and remains fresh until the configured
is reached.The
can be adjusted via query parameters, with a minimum of 15 seconds and a default of 60 seconds.
Example Initial Stale Response
Refreshing Data and Stale Jobs
Outstanding jobs with stale data can be found under the
key in the response.Each request triggers the API to retrieve fresh data for any stale integrations and cache it.
On subsequent requests, any fresh data retrieved in the meantime will be immediately visible.
Credits are not deducted for a request until all returned data is marked as fresh.
Waiting for Fresh Data in a Single Request
To wait for fresh data before receiving a response, set the maxWaitTime
query parameter:
The API will wait until all data is refreshed or the
is reached before responding.If fresh data retrieval is incomplete within the
, fetching and caching still continues on the API. A second request after a short interval may be all you need to retrieve the remaining fresh data.
Example: Waiting for Fresh Data Before Response
Best Practices
If you want data quickly, and your UI can benefit from incremental data becoming available, poll the API every few seconds and update your UI with what is available until the response status is "ok".
for one-time requests that wait for fresh data.Fetch only necessary modules to reduce response size and improve efficiency.
Last updated